Korábbi rendezvények
6. Endoszkópos Ultrahang Tréning
6. Endoszkópos Ultrahang Tréning

Szegedi Tudományegyetem
I. sz. Belgyógyászati Klinika
6720 Szeged, Korányi fasor 8-10.
Titkárság telefon: +36-62-545-189
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Hands-on tréning, akkreditált tanfolyam
7th European EGEUS Congress
7th European EGEUS Congress

7th European EGEUS Congress with live demonstration
President Claudio De Angelis
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EGEUS 2015
EGEUS 2015

Olympus is proud to be sponsoring the 6th
European Group for Endoscopic Ultrasonography (EGEUS) meeting to be held in Edinburgh on 11 - 12 November 2015.
Programme highlights include:
Live case demonstrations
State of the art lectures
Debate: controversies in interventional EUS
Management of complex cases: a multidisciplinary team discussion
Training in EUSFNA: a handson simulator primer for the novice
If you are interested in attending and would like more information please use the link below.